Our Solutions: Workforce Planning

Developing Tailored Strategies to Achieve Workforce Goals

Impact of Strategic Workforce Planning

The employment landscape is constantly evolving, and while the future cannot be predicted, you can prepare your workforce adequately to address changes.  Workforce Planning Solutions is a strategic and high-value process that prepares for the execution of your organization’s strategy today and in the future. 

The JPI Group’s data driven approach develops workforce plans that promote alignment, optimization, and workforce readiness. With a thorough understanding of the market and talent landscape, along with business and program strategy, we develop talent solutions to deliver performance-based results and meet energy program goals.

Data driven and performance-based strategies to address human capital needs 

The JPI Group’s strategic workforce planning solutions focus on moving past skills-based hiring and work to prepare and connect to an employer-ready workforce.

Program Solutions:

  • Assessment & Analysis
  • Program Development
  • Program Framework Implementation
  • Program Management & Delivery


Program Management

Performance Consulting Solutions

  • Talent Developer and CBO Performance Consulting
  • MWBE and Trade Ally Mentorship and Enablement Consulting

Performance Consulting Solutions is based on our commitment to creating high-paying careers and supporting the growth of small and MWBE businesses. The JPI Group’s approach focuses on developing the workforce at various levels of the ecosystem, and empowers organizations such as trade allies, community-based organizations (CBOs), and MWBEs through upskilling, improved operations, and access to networks and resources.

By improving the infrastructure of the ecosystem, we ensure that there is equitable access to participate in energy programs, which results in increased engagement, performance, and success outcomes. Whether a trade ally in program delivery, a talent developer preparing the workforce for trade allies, or a CBO providing resources and services to support the workforce, The JPI Group’s approach develops the ecosystem synergy to increase collaboration, capabilities, and capacity, leading to improved performance.

Are you starting with the right analytics to determine your true talent pipeline needs?

Align analytics and program development to meet your talent and energy program goals. 

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