Our Story

Leave Them Better Than You Found Them

Our 4 C’s:

Bringing People and Purpose Together to Build Lasting Success

The JPI Group 4 C's Communities, Clients, Co-workers, and consultants
JPI employees

Our Mission

Our mission is to help shrink the wealth gap by creating high-paying careers and supporting the growth of small and MWBE companies. We achieve this by hiring, training, and retaining underrepresented talent, and by equipping small and MWBE businesses with the tools they need to thrive and succeed.

JPI employees

Our Vision

To build a future where equity and opportunity are accessible to all, creating lasting pathways to success. Leave Them Better Than You Found Them isn’t just a statement—it’s our promise to clients, partners, and communities. By breaking down barriers and fostering meaningful change, we strive to leave a legacy of empowerment and impact that endures for generations.

Our Core Values

Today, 60% of our leadership team are underrepresented minorities, and more than 50% are women.

HR Icon

Authentic Relationships

We value long-term and trusted relationships with our clients, vendors and colleagues. We prioritize integrity and promise to operate in a transparent manner.

Talent Solutions

Goal-Driven With Grit!

We recognize the importance of setting and reaching goals, both personally as well as professionally. We celebrate wins of all sizes, including ‘sweat-equity,’ which is part of our success formula at The JPI Group.

Family Focused

We intentionally built a business that offers full remote work so we could be more present in our family’s day-to-day life. We genuinely care about work-life balance.

Community Spirit

We are committed to helping our community through technology-focused fundraising drives as well as volunteer mentorship for other minority-owned businesses.

Our Executives

Iyomakha "Yom" Douglas

Iyomakha "Yom" Douglas

Founder and CEO

Paul Douglas

Paul Douglas


Meet Our Business Development Team

Stephanie Bauer

Stephanie Bauer

Director of Sales

Janean Gardner

Janean Gardner

Vice President of Development and Sales

Josh Schreck

Josh Schreck

Director of Sales

Michelle Jester

Michelle Jester

Director of Sales

Keely Hughes

Keely Hughes

Director Market Development and Strategic Partnerships

Meet Our Subject Matter Experts

Andrew Dieck

Andrew Dieck

Director of Sustainable Energy Solutions

Barbara Stapleton

Barbara Stapleton

Director of Business & Workforce Planning Solutions

Andrea Garcia-Fernandez

Andrea Garcia-Fernandez

Human Capital and Strategic Operations Leader

Kassia Switlik Bukosky

Kassia Switlik Bukosky

Workforce Planning Account Manager

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